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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tension Tension Tension

Tension is the poison that affects every single person who has a penchant to waste time in apprehensive anticipation.
- Another lesson that life has been trying hard to teach me all through. I was just wondering how many cumulative years of my life I have already invested in this wasteful activity and I still did not bother to right myself any time. Every time I decided to mend myself there was this dark faction in my head which held me back, creating voids to pave way for new fish market kinda group discussions out there. But I am holding on tight this time around, else I might end up insane. Why waste this beautiful life drowning oneself in this vast expanse of fiery whirling thoughts? There are lots of other stuff one can invest time in and expect fruitful returns. Of late I have been getting tensed so unnecessarily and also wasting a whole lot of my priceless time in the process. This evening I was feeling so horrible that I really needed some change. After taking a nice walk in the foggy weather and chatting with a couple of friends, I realized that life is not that bad after all. There is so much more to do here. It is just that people end up taking themselves too seriously at times. Probably it is time to revolutionize my way of looking at life. Looks like I am developing an interest in philosophy, that gives me more reasons to bore you people now. But I have cut down to smaller posts at least. Now that is obviously a sign of improvement, you gotto thank me for that. ;)

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