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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Raining Once Again..............

It's raining heavily outside my window.
The air is taking a cool cleansing shower,
 relieving itself of all the burden ,
 that it has been carrying for so long now.
 The mornings are so cool, foggy,
 It feels so lovely to curl up in the bed,
cuddle with the huge fat pillow,
slip into frivolous dreams,
and traverse , diverse dreamlands.
My poor faithful alarm clock,
makes a thousand futile attempts,
to wake me up from my sweet sound sleep.
I muddle through the new found dreamland,
to make way for reality and here I am,
at my window sill, enjoying nature at its all time best.
Laziness creeps in at every regular interval,
holding me back from starting my day,
but somehow I manage to struggle through.
On the road, looks like a river is on hold.
Naughty children playing in the puddle,
they take me down the memory lane ,
again and again.
No birds to sing, no cattle to graze,
all gone home, to cuddle up with their folks.
One thing which makes my mind so free,
like never before, is the silly fact,
that no dogs are in sight, to my great delight.
They too seem to have gone,
to their abodes by and by.
It is lovely to watch the rain outside,
sip hot coffee, munch on hot pakoras,
watch the fresh nature rejoicing,
like a handsome peacock dancing in glee.
Nature looks immensely beautiful,
ravishing, drenched to the skin,
water drops have decorated the leaves,
some falling off and others reluctant to give way.
The sky looks gorgeous, all dark and grey,
carrying heavy clouds, ready to pour.
This is nature’s bliss on mankind showering,
let me welcome the rains once again to my life,
let me have a rendezvous with nature tonight.........


Unknown said...

you are paranoid of dogs. great. that sounds a bit unusual. he he he he.

Prakash Paul said...

Nice poem on the whole.. Quite amazing that you find rain fascinating to write about considering you live in Chennai... I love the rain in Kerala anyday compared to slushy muddy Chennai.