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Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Puzzle....

Life is a puzzle unsolved
no less are the people around,
and their feelings abound......
Why do not these walls speak,
and the air sing,
of those thoughts unsaid by the,
fellow beings all...
They would probably hurt less,
because they have nothing to lose,
and nothing to gain...
Still they hesitate to speak
and ignite wild fires within...
Why is the mind seceded
into these tumultuous factions?
Why these storms that
only hurt and cause no joy?
Why this life is so full of puzzles
that it feels like a maze,
too entangled, to hint at an escape...
Why is this desperation,
why this frustration?
why care for anyone who
cares the least for ye..
Probably this is life,
the preeminent,
unsolved puzzle of all times....

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