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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cool Summers!!!

I am in Bangalore this summer, that adds one more city into my list of sojourns. Its cooler here in every sense, considering that my last summer was spent partly in Chennai. A cool breeze blows towards the evening  mostly followed by rain, making me forget about the summers, I meant the climate. And as for life, the transition due to this temporary detachment from the IIM has been pretty different too. Life all of a sudden seems to have become so cool and chilled, no quizzes, presentations, assignments, tensions and there is just this one project that has to be done by the end of this two month tenure. All of a sudden life seems to have become so different and I am finding it tough to locate a word to describe this situation exactly.
Now for some cribbing. I had been craving for an internet connection since the last couple of days. Thanks to the data cards, I am feeling a bit relieved now. Life has moved to such a point that it feels like hell even away from helL. There I had no clue as to how time passed and here I could even end up playing around with the clock needle, just to convince myself that time is actually moving.
I was almost glued on to the phone until I got my net connection, called up almost every single friend on my contact list. Thanks for that, coz it had been long since I had spoken to most of them, but they were probably surprised considering the lengths at which I spoke to them. Probably I had never ever spoken to anyone this long, now it does not feel like ever hanging up. The longer anyone speaks, the happier I feel. The best part is that I am going to end up spending all my stipend here on phone calls and the internet :(
My Dad and Mom are having the toughest time keeping me busy. Just now I asked Mom not to hang up and she told me that she has nothing more to say, so would call back after taking enough time to make up new stories. That was insulting, but then it was Mom, so why worry :) These are times when I wish there was a special someone who could have given me company anytime ;) But thanks to myself, I could not still locate anyone for the concerned designation. So these two months are going to feel even longer than two years now. Hope to locate some friends and acquaintances before I go schizophrenic and start having delusions ;) 


Anonymous said...

Good one..could relate life of poor us more aptly n desperately with this blog......quite motivating....he he..jokes apart...its nice

Joshin John said...

Start having more delusions? O.M.G. !!!

Pooja S said...

@sanjay - thanks
@joshin - what do u mean by more delusions? as if i'm already having 'em :P